Welcome to us at Magnolia and our webshop!


Once you've created an account you can start making your order.

Your account needs to be verified by clicking on a link in an activation mail that is sent from us. If you can't find the mail, check your spam inbox. 

Read more about autumn and spring orders by clicking here

Read more about our queue system by  clicking here

Read about the Wishlist by clicking here

Read more about delivery and shipping by clicking here

Read more about payment and receipts by clicking here

Read more about big spender discounts by clicking here



The Webshop What are we?

Our webshop has a queueing system that makes it so you can queue for products that aren't in stock at the moment. If someone cancels or changes and order or if we would increase our stock of something you are queueing on you may end up at the top of the queue and get a chance to add it to your order. Everything in your order is reserved for you. Dahlia bulbs and other bulbs in your spring order are deliered from March 1st. Shipping in Sweden to DHL agent costs 79 SEK per package. Shipping within the EU cost 120 SEK. If your order is 1000 SEK or more shipping is free. We also offer home delivery in Sweden. 


We are a commercial garden speecialized on dahlia, lilium, tulip and narcissus bulbs. In our garden store we also sell and showcase 50 kinds of geraniums.

We have cultivated, showcased and sold dahlias since 2002. We are the biggest selling business in the EU of dahliabulbs. In our garden we have 850 different kinds of dahlias and late blooming lilums during the summer. During the spring we showcase 500 kinds of tulips and narcissus. During opening hours we also have other showcases and a store.